Based on your answers, we have prepared the following personalized recommendations for you to review and then complete the fillable action plan with your team.
Here is what we would recommend your team consider in the absence of an institution wide cessation program.
Active Referrals of your patients to state/national quitlines
Phone-Based Support:
Text-Based Support:
Passive referrals of your patients to state national/national quitlines
Provide information on National Quitline – FAQ
Watch this instructional video
Note: Please check out our Resources tab “For Patients” for various community level resources
In addition, many county level programs offer tobacco cessation classes – so please check with your local health department for more information.
The SmokeFree Txt Program and Your Patients.
Watch Dr. Erin Sutfin as she shares how to integrate the SmokeFree Txt Program in your radiology facility
As you think about the role of the navigator and their interactions with patients, consider the following:
A Navigator may serve in these distinct functions/roles
A navigator/coordinator will likely have several encounters with the patient.
Great. Then let’s take a minute to review their role.
Note: Can be physicians and administrators who can open doors to cessation support and publicize cessation program to colleagues and senior leadership.
Important reminder: Please connect your cessation champion with this toolkit resource!