An Interactive Toolkit to Help you Implement Smoking Cessation Support for Patients Undergoing Lung Screening


This interactive website was developed to optimize the lung screening encounter for helping patients quit smoking. The toolkit was designed to be quick, easy, and adaptable given the resources that are available in your clinic or health system.

By answering three short questions, you will receive set a of evidence-based smoking cessation strategies that can be integrated into your workflow. We also provide a fillable worksheet to guide your team with implementing the smoking cessation strategies.

Also be sure to check out the resources for both Cessation Champions and Patients we’ve provided to help you.

Please begin.

Making The Connection.
Hear Dr. Caroline Chiles, a radiologist in the field, share how the lung imaging encounter is an opportunity to connect smokers to cessation resources

1. Do patients in your health system have access to a cessation program within the institution?

2. Does your radiology facility have a navigator or coordinator?

3. Does your radiology facility have a tobacco cessation champion?